The forums are open for all, so you dont need to register to do apply, and please dont do' so either.
If you wont get any reply in 2 weeks, you have been declined.
YOU Have to hold ATLEAST 50% raid attendance in order to stay in the guild. Following days are considered as raiddays. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays We raid from 19.15-23.00 game time, But it's highly recommended in order to get a raidspot that you'd be online 15 minutes before raidttime, infront of the raidencounter that's written in GMOTD
What you need to have to get in the guild:
-You are required to hold atleast 50% attendance in order to stay in guild.
-You should be fully experienced from both normal and heroic naxxramas, sartharion and malygos as it is.
-There aint any age requirement, eventhough we'd like you to be at age of 16+, if you consider yourself mature, noone minds you being younger. If you tag up for raids, you are excepted to stay till raidleader announces raid's over.
-You have to be ventrilo capable..
-You must understand english and speak/write it clearly.
-You must be lvl 80 (lol)
Currently we're looking for all classes.