RL info:
Name: Juho-Eemeli Halttu
Age: 18
Location: Kajaani, Finland
Are you in school or are you working? And when: No, I'm not working or intending to apply for a job atleast during next 6 months.
When did you start world of warcraft?
My character:Tonyy
Name: Tonyy
Class: Mage
Race: Gnome
Link to your gear (Armory or something):
Offspec description:
No offspec.
Resistance gears:
No resistance gears atm.
History (Guilds etc.):
Former officer of reliquia and current trial of static X.
Kara and SSC
Pre TBC experience:
Didn't play that much as level 60
TBC experience:
Been to Kara, maggy, gruul, MH (first boss down and second attempted)
Your play time? 34d 20h
We raid from 19.15 to 23.00
I can raid whenever you want me to.
About us, what do you want?
What do you expect from Poem?
I expect you to be active and open guild.
Why do you want to join us?
I've heard from a couple friends that it's active and people are friendly so I wanted to drop an application. My current guild isn't sometimes able to pull off 25-man-raids.... and mostly they must degrade themselves to PUG like 7 people....
Are you Ravencrest or Xrealm player?
Played from your character and alts?
90+ days
Have you always owned this account?
Why do you want to leave your current guild?
I already stated above that's it's inactive. Also it has a really weird loot prio system.
Do you know anyone in Poem?
Your own comments:
I know you aren't exactly looking for mages, but it said that alway feel free to apply. While I was in reliquia, I had 100% attendance to guild events and raids and had equal DKP with the GM. I think my activity would be a huge advantage if you took me in.