RL info:
Name: H.D.
Age: 30
Location: Lund, Sweden
Are you in school or are you working? And when: Working 8:00am -- 5:00pm
When did you start world of warcraft?
2-3 Months before TBC came out
My character:
Name: Endgame
Class: Hunter
Race: NE
Link to your gear (Armory or something):
Offspec description:
Resistance gears: no.
History (Guilds etc.): PwnStars
Attunements: Kara.
Pre TBC experience: none
TBC experience: Kara, GRULLS (FULL), MAGGY, ZA, TK (1/4), SCC (2/5)
We raid from 19.15 to 23.00
Wednesday: Yes
Thursday: Yes
Sunday: Yes
Monday: Maybe. But normally no.
Tuesday: Yes
About us, what do you want?
What do you expect from Poem?
Friendly environment, fair DKP/raiding attendance systems, that officers listen to everyone, even the recruits might have good points.
Good Organization. Discipline and respect.
Why do you want to join us?
1) You are raiding SCC/TK at the moment, which is where I want to be.
2) Moving to BT, where I want to go later
3) Heard you have good progress.
Are you Ravencrest or Xrealm player?
Originally from Hakkar. Was in same Guild as Peeweexx.
Played from your character and alts?
about 90
Have you always owned this account?
Why do you want to leave your current guild?
Our guild was a little project of good mates, but we really never got it to kick off, first we were in a realm with no eng. speakers, then we moved here, but in general only casuals/slackers and immatuare people were available. So we have decided to disband, and go our ways for now.
Do you know anyone in Poem?
A few I think, Peeweexx is a good mate of mine.
Your own comments:
I believe I am a skilled hunter, which knows his class quite well, and will be able to bring this knowledge into your guild.
I will also perform my role to the fullest, I guarantee that I will be one of your top DPSers.
I am specced SV atm. With 820 unbuffed AGi. I can respecc to BM if needed, for which I am quite comfortable as well.